Mixed reality display technologies are transforming large-scale metrology tasks by remotely providing visual guidance, measurement feedback, and access to inspection functionality, without encumbering the hands of the operators. This workshop presents new powerful tools of our PolyWorks|AR™ mixed reality app to guide laser scanning, review inspection results, and collaborate with remote colleagues:

  • Learn how to position the PolyWorks|Inspector™ 3D Scene window within your field of view to visualize a polygonal model of the scanned piece in real time, perform additional scanning in areas of poor data quality, and improve the quality of scanned features.
  • Discover how you can review features deviations and color maps directly over the measured piece immediately after having completed a measurement task.
  • See how you can easily collaborate with colleagues at a different location by calling them through Microsoft Teams, reviewing inspection results collaboratively by projecting holograms on the measured piece, and discussing manufacturing issues effectively by showing defective areas.

This presentation was recorded during PolyWorks® Conference Live 2023.


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