Point cloud digitizer for portable metrology

All available point-cloud-digitizing plug-ins and import capabilities for a wide range of native point cloud file formats for laser line scanners, fringe-projection digitizers, long-range spherical grid scanners, and more.

Single-point measuring device for portable metrology

All available plug-ins for articulated arms, optically tracked probes, laser trackers, manual CMMs, and theodolites.

Real-time quality meshing and offline point cloud meshing

Transformation of digitized point clouds into polygonal models using real-time quality meshing for online processing while laser scanning a part, and offline meshing of point cloud data files.

Polygonal editing

Complete polygon-editing toolbox to repair and optimize imperfectly digitized geometry and apply CAD operations on polygonal models.

Parametric sketching

Parametric 2D sketching process to build sketches by defining sketch planes, computing optimal sketch outlines from digitized geometry, then anchoring and fitting sketch entities and dimensions, guided by the sketch outline + add-ins to import PolyWorks sketches into professional CAD solutions (CATIA V6/V5, NX (UG), Creo (Pro/E), Inventor, and SolidWorks).

NURBS surfacing

NURBS surfacing process to fit an optimal network of NURBS surfaces over a digitized polygonal model, including automatic and interactive curve network creation, support of N-sided patches and T-junctions, automatic NURBS surface fitting with G2/G1/G0 continuity, and more.


One-year support/maintenance

  • New major PolyWorks releases launched during the year.
  • Monthly intermediate releases that include software enhancements, bug fixes, and plug-in updates.
  • Assistance from our technical support team by email and telephone.
  • Access MyPolyWorks online hub.
Two complimentary seats to attend a Basic classroom training